Source code for test_redundancy.test_MFred

The module :mod:`` calls all test functions which are implemented in the
module :mod:`redundancy1`. These test functions are:

* :func:`test_calc_consistent_estimates_no_corr`
* :func:`test_calc_best_estimate`
* :func:`test_calc_lcs`
* :func:`test_calc_lcss`


import pytest
import numpy as np
from Met4FoF_redundancy.MFred.redundancy1 import (
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal as mvn

[docs]@pytest.mark.cenc def test_calc_consistent_estimates_no_corr(): """ Test function for calc_consistent_estimates_no_corr(), implementing two test cases. """ # case with only one set of estimates print("Testing case with single set of estimates.") # input y_arr = np.array([20.2, 21.3, 20.5]) uy_arr = np.array([0.5, 0.8, 0.3]) prob_lim = 0.05 # function isconsist, ybest, uybest, chi2obs = calc_consistent_estimates_no_corr( y_arr, uy_arr, prob_lim ) # print of output print_output_cbe(isconsist, ybest, uybest, chi2obs) # case with two sets of estimates print("Testing case with two sets of estimates.") # input y_arr = np.array([[20.2, 21.3, 20.5], [19.5, 19.7, 20.3]]) uy_arr = np.array([[0.5, 0.8, 0.3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]]) prob_lim = 0.05 # function ( isconsist_arr, ybest_arr, uybest_arr, chi2obs_arr, ) = calc_consistent_estimates_no_corr(y_arr, uy_arr, prob_lim) # print of output print_output_cbe(isconsist_arr, ybest_arr, uybest_arr, chi2obs_arr)
[docs]@pytest.mark.cbe def test_calc_best_estimate(): """ Test function for calc_best_estimate. """ print("\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n") print("TESTING FUNCTION calc_best_estimate()") # Test case 0 print("TEST CASE 0") n_reps = 1000 y_arr = np.array([20.2, 20.5, 20.8]) vy_arr2d = np.array([[2, 1, 1], [1, 3, 1], [1, 1, 4]]) problim = 0.95 isconsist, ybest, uybest, chi2obs = calc_best_estimate(y_arr, vy_arr2d, problim) print_output_cbe(isconsist, ybest, uybest, chi2obs) # Test case 1: check limit probability limprob print("TEST CASE 1") n_reps = 10000 print( "Starting with repeating the procedure %d times in order to check the acceptance statistics..." % n_reps ) ymean = 20.0 vy_arr2d = np.random.rand(4, 4) vy_arr2d = vy_arr2d.transpose() @ vy_arr2d problim = 0.95 n_casekeep = 0 for i_rep in range(n_reps): y_arr = ymean + mvn.rvs(mean=None, cov=vy_arr2d) isconsist, ybest, uybest, chi2obs = calc_best_estimate(y_arr, vy_arr2d, problim) if isconsist == True: n_casekeep += 1 frackeep = n_casekeep / n_reps print( "After repeating the procedure %d times, the data generated by the assumed model was " "accepted with probability %4.4f, whereas %4.4f is expected.\n" % (n_reps, frackeep, problim) ) difFracMax = 0.01 if abs(frackeep - problim) > difFracMax: raise ValueError(f'The experimental fraction {frackeep:4.4f} deviated more than {difFracMax:4.4f} ' 'from the expected fraction {problim:4.4f}')
[docs]@pytest.mark.lcs def test_calc_lcs(): """ Test function for :func:`calc_lcs`. Implements 4 test cases. """ print("\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n") print("TESTING FUNCTION calc_lcs()") # Test case 0: print("TEST CASE 0") # input y_arr = np.array([20, 20.6, 20.5, 19.3]) vy_arr2d = np.identity(4) + np.ones((4, 4)) problim = 0.95 # function n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep = calc_lcs(y_arr, vy_arr2d, problim) # print output print_output_lcs(n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep, y_arr) # Test case 1: print("TEST CASE 1") # input y_arr = np.array([20, 23.6, 20.5, 19.3]) vy_arr2d = np.identity(4) + np.ones((4, 4)) problim = 0.95 # function n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep = calc_lcs(y_arr, vy_arr2d, problim) # print output print_output_lcs(n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep, y_arr) # Test case 2 with two optimal solutions print("TEST CASE 2") # input y_arr = np.array([10, 11, 20, 21]) vy_arr2d = 5 * np.identity(4) + np.ones((4, 4)) problim = 0.95 # function n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep = calc_lcs(y_arr, vy_arr2d, problim) # print output print_output_lcs(n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep, y_arr) # Test case 3: check limit probability limprob print("TEST CASE 3") n_reps = 10000 print( "Starting to repeating the procedure %d times in order to check the acceptance statistics..." % n_reps ) ymean = 20.0 vy_arr2d = np.random.rand(4, 4) vy_arr2d = vy_arr2d.transpose() @ vy_arr2d problim = 0.95 n_casekeep = 0 for i_rep in range(n_reps): y_arr = ymean + mvn.rvs(mean=None, cov=vy_arr2d) n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep = calc_lcs(y_arr, vy_arr2d, problim) if indkeep.shape[-1] == len(y_arr): n_casekeep += 1 frackeep = n_casekeep / n_reps print(f'After repeating the procedure {n_reps:.0f} times, the data generated by the assumed model was ' f'accepted with probability {frackeep:4.4f}, whereas {problim:4.4f} is expected.') difFracMax = 0.01 if abs(frackeep - problim) > difFracMax: raise ValueError(f'The experimental fraction {frackeep:4.4f} deviated more than {difFracMax:4.4f} ' 'from the expected fraction {problim:4.4f}')
[docs]@pytest.mark.lcss def test_calc_lcss(): """ Test function for method :func:`calc_lcss`. Implements 4 test cases. """ print("\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n") print("TESTING FUNCTION calc_lcss()\n") # Test case 0: print("TEST CASE 0") print("Test case with A = identity matrix and a = zero, i.e. same as lcs.") # input x_arr = np.array([22.3, 20.6, 25.5, 19.3]) vx_arr2d = np.identity(4) + np.ones((4, 4)) a_arr = np.zeros(4) a_arr2d = np.identity(4) problim = 0.95 # print input print_input_lcss(x_arr, vx_arr2d, a_arr, a_arr2d, problim) # function n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep = calc_lcss( a_arr, a_arr2d, x_arr, vx_arr2d, problim ) # print output print_output_lcss(n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep, x_arr, a_arr2d) # Test case 1: print( "TEST CASE 1\nlcss which reduces to lcs after transformation of the linear " "system.\nInput data is the same as in the last case and the results should " "be the same as well." ) # input # x_arr = (same as above) np.array([20, 23.6, 20.5, 19.3]) # vx_arr2d = (same as above) np.identity(4) + np.ones((4, 4)) a_arr2d = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [2, -5, 4, 1], [2, 9, 1, 0], [3, 5, -2, 4]]) # a_arr2d = np.identity(4) + np.ones((4,4)) s = np.sum(a_arr2d, 1) s.shape = (s.shape[0], 1) # set the second dimension to 1 a_arr2d = a_arr2d / s # make all row sums equal to 1 # Manipulate input to create a non trivial vector a_arr dx_arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) x_arr = x_arr - dx_arr a_arr = a_arr + np.matmul(a_arr2d, dx_arr) # problim = 0.95 # print input print_input_lcss(x_arr, vx_arr2d, a_arr, a_arr2d, problim) # function n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep = calc_lcss( a_arr, a_arr2d, x_arr, vx_arr2d, problim ) # print output print_output_lcss(n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep, x_arr, a_arr2d) # Test case 2 with two optimal solutions print("TEST CASE 2") # input x_arr = np.array([10, 11, 20, 21]) vx_arr2d = np.identity(4) + np.ones((4, 4)) # Manipulate input to create a non trivial vector a_arr a_arr = np.zeros(4) dx_arr = np.array([1, 20, 3, -44]) x_arr = x_arr - dx_arr a_arr = a_arr + np.matmul(a_arr2d, dx_arr) # problim = 0.95 # print input print_input_lcss(x_arr, vx_arr2d, a_arr, a_arr2d, problim) # function n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep = calc_lcss( a_arr, a_arr2d, x_arr, vx_arr2d, problim ) # print output print_output_lcss(n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep, x_arr, a_arr2d) # Test case 3: check limit probability limprob print("TEST CASE 3") n_reps = 10000 print( "Repeating the procedure %d times in order to check the acceptance statistics." % n_reps ) xmean = 20.0 vx_arr2d = np.random.rand(4, 4) vx_arr2d = vx_arr2d.transpose() @ vx_arr2d problim = 0.95 n_casekeep = 0 for i_rep in range(n_reps): x_arr = xmean + mvn.rvs(mean=None, cov=vx_arr2d) # Add an additional conversion to work with non-trivial vector a_arr dx_arr = np.random.standard_normal(4) x_arr = x_arr - dx_arr a_arr = np.matmul(a_arr2d, dx_arr) n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep = calc_lcss( a_arr, a_arr2d, x_arr, vx_arr2d, problim ) if indkeep.shape[-1] == len(x_arr): n_casekeep += 1 frackeep = n_casekeep / n_reps print(f'After repeating the procedure {n_reps:.0f} times, the data generated by the assumed model was ' f'accepted with probability {frackeep:4.4f}, whereas {problim:4.4f} is expected.') difFracMax = 0.01 if abs(frackeep - problim) > difFracMax: raise ValueError(f'The experimental fraction {frackeep:4.4f} deviated more than {difFracMax:4.4f} ' f'from the expected fraction {problim:4.4f}!')