Source code for Met4FoF_redundancy.agentMFred.redundancyAgents1

This module defines a Redundancy Agent that can be used in the agentMET4FOF framework. It has two main data processing
- lcs: best estimate calculation using Largest Consistent Subset method
- lcss: best estimate calculation using Largest Consistent Subset of Sensor values method

from typing import Dict

import numpy as np
from agentMET4FOF.metrological_agents import MetrologicalAgent
from time_series_metadata.scheme import MetaData

from .metrological_streams_v2 import MetrologicalMultiWaveGenerator
from ..MFred.redundancy1 import calc_lcs, calc_lcss

[docs]class MetrologicalMultiWaveGeneratorAgent(MetrologicalAgent): """An agent streaming a signal composed of various sine and cosine components. Takes samples from the :py:mod:`MultiWaveGenerator` and pushes them sample by sample (or in batches) to connected agents via its output channel. """ # The datatype of the stream will be MultiWaveGenerator. _data_stream: MetrologicalMultiWaveGenerator batch_size = 100
[docs] def init_parameters(self, signal: MetrologicalMultiWaveGenerator = MetrologicalMultiWaveGenerator(), **kwargs): """Initialize the input data Initialize the input data stream as an instance of the :py:mod:`MultiWaveGenerator` class Parameters ---------- signal : Signal the underlying signal for the generator """ self._data_stream = signal super().init_parameters() self.set_output_data(channel="default", metadata=self._data_stream.metadata)
[docs] def agent_loop(self): """Model the agent's behaviour On state *Running* the agent will extract sample by sample the input data streams content and push it via invoking :py:func:`AgentMET4FOF.send_output`. """ if self.current_state == "Running": self.set_output_data(channel="default", data=self._data_stream._next_sample_generator()) super().agent_loop()
@property def metadata(self) -> Dict: return self._data_stream.metadata.metadata
[docs]class RedundancyAgent(MetrologicalAgent): """ This is the main Redundancy Agent class. Main calculation types are :py:func:`lcs` and :py:func:`lcss`, as defined in the module :mod:`redundancy1`. """ metadata: MetaData n_pr: int problim: float calc_type: str sensor_key_list: list a_arr: np.ndarray a_arr2d: np.ndarray
[docs] def init_parameters(self, input_data_maxlen=25, output_data_maxlen=25): """ Initialize the input data stream as an instance of the :py:mod:`MultiWaveGenerator` class. Parameters ---------- signal: Signal the underlying signal for the generator """ self.metadata = MetaData( device_id="RedAgent01", time_name="time", time_unit="s", quantity_names="m", quantity_units="kg", misc="nothing") super().init_parameters(input_data_maxlen=25, output_data_maxlen=25) self.set_output_data(channel="default", metadata=self.metadata)
[docs] def init_parameters1(self, calc_type, sensor_key_list, n_pr, problim): """ Parameters used for both methods :func:`lcs` and :func:`lcss`. Parameters ---------- calc_type: str calculation type: 'lcs' or 'lcss' sensor_key_list: list of strings list containing the names of the sensors that should feed data to the Redundancy Agent n_pr: integer size of the batch of data that is handled at once by the Redundancy Agent problim: float limit probability used for conistency evaluation """ self.calc_type = calc_type self.sensor_key_list = sensor_key_list self.n_pr = n_pr self.problim = problim
[docs] def init_parameters2(self, fsam, f1, f2, ampl_ratio, phi1, phi2): """ Additional parameters used for this particular example in combination with the :py:func:`lcss` method. It provides the prior knowledge needed to make the information contained in the data redundant. This method sets up the vector **a** and matrix *A* for the system **y** = **a** + *A* * **x**. Parameters ---------- fsam: float sampling frequency f1: float first frequency of interest in signal f2 : float second frequency of interest in signal ampl_ratio: float ratio of the amplitudes of the two frequency components phi1: float initial phase of first frequency component phi2: float initial phase of second frequency component """ # set-up vector a_arr and matrix a_arr2d for redundancy method a = np.identity(self.n_pr) n_pr2 = int(self.n_pr / 2) afft = np.fft.fft(a) bfft = np.real(afft[:n_pr2, :]) / n_pr2 cfft = -np.imag(afft[:n_pr2, :]) / n_pr2 c1 = 1 / np.cos(phi1) c2 = 1 / np.sin(-phi1) c3 = ampl_ratio / np.cos(phi2) c4 = ampl_ratio / np.sin(-phi2) # print('c1=',c1,', c2=',c2, ', c3=', c3, ', c4=', c4) t_max = self.n_pr / fsam df = 1 / t_max # print('df=',df) # print('f1=',f1) # print('f2=', f2) # integer check is_integer(f1/df) ? ind_freq1 = f1/df ind_freq2 = f2/df # print('ind_freq1=', ind_freq1) # print('ind_freq2=', ind_freq2) ind_freq1 = int(ind_freq1) ind_freq2 = int(ind_freq2) # print('ind_freq1=', ind_freq1) # print('ind_freq2=', ind_freq2) a_row1 = c1 * bfft[ind_freq1, :] a_row2 = c2 * cfft[ind_freq1, :] a_row3 = c3 * bfft[ind_freq2, :] a_row4 = c4 * cfft[ind_freq2, :] # print('a_row1=', a_row1) # print('a_row2=', a_row2) # print('a_row3=', a_row3) # print('a_row4=', a_row4) a_row1 = a_row1.reshape((1, len(a_row1))) a_row2 = a_row2.reshape((1, len(a_row2))) a_row3 = a_row3.reshape((1, len(a_row3))) a_row4 = a_row4.reshape((1, len(a_row4))) self.a_arr2d = np.concatenate((a_row1, a_row2, a_row3, a_row4), axis=0) self.a_arr = np.zeros(shape=(4, 1))
[docs] def agent_loop(self): """ Model the agent's behaviour On state *Running* the agent will extract sample by sample the input data streams content and push it via invoking :py:func:`AgentMET4FOF.send_output`. """ if self.current_state == "Running": # sometimes the buffer does not contain values for all sensors # sensor_key_list = ["Sensor1", "Sensor2"] key_list = [key for key in self.sensor_key_list if key in self.buffer.keys()] n_sensors = len(key_list) if n_sensors != len(self.sensor_key_list): # expected number of sensors print('Not all sensors were present in the buffer. Not evaluating the data.') return 0 for key in key_list: if self.buffer[key].shape[0] < self.n_pr: print('Buffer size is ', self.buffer[key].shape[0], ', which is less than ', self.n_pr, '.') print('Not enough data for redundancy agent evaluation.') return 0 buff = self.buffer.popleft(self.n_pr) # take n_pr entries out from the buffer t_data_arr2d = np.full(shape=(self.n_pr, n_sensors), fill_value=np.nan) ut_data_arr2d = np.full(shape=(self.n_pr, n_sensors), fill_value=np.nan) x_data_arr2d = np.full(shape=(self.n_pr, n_sensors), fill_value=np.nan) ux_data_arr2d = np.full(shape=(self.n_pr, n_sensors), fill_value=np.nan) # print('buff = ', buff) i_sensor = 0 # for key in buff.keys(): # arbitrary order for key in key_list: data_arr = buff[key] t_data_arr2d[:, i_sensor] = data_arr[:, 0] ut_data_arr2d[:, i_sensor] = data_arr[:, 1] x_data_arr2d[:, i_sensor] = data_arr[:, 2] ux_data_arr2d[:, i_sensor] = data_arr[:, 3] i_sensor = i_sensor + 1 #print('calc_type: ', self.calc_type) if self.calc_type == "lcs": #print('case lcs') data = np.full(shape=(self.n_pr, 4), fill_value=np.nan) for i_pnt in range(self.n_pr): y_arr = np.array(x_data_arr2d[i_pnt, :]) y_arr = y_arr.reshape((n_sensors,1)) vy_arr2d = np.zeros(shape=(n_sensors, n_sensors)) for i_sensor in range(n_sensors): vy_arr2d[i_sensor, i_sensor] = np.square(ux_data_arr2d[i_pnt, i_sensor]) #data = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep = calc_lcs(y_arr, vy_arr2d, self.problim) if n_sols == 1: # time stamp is value of first sensor if isinstance(ybest, np.ndarray): ybest = ybest[0] data[i_pnt, :] = np.array([t_data_arr2d[i_pnt, 0], ut_data_arr2d[i_pnt, 0], ybest, uybest]) else: # only return the first solution data[i_pnt, :] = np.array([t_data_arr2d[i_pnt, 0], ut_data_arr2d[i_pnt, 0], ybest[0], uybest[0]]) elif self.calc_type == "lcss": # lcss applied to one data vector (required input) # Sum the signals to get one signal x_data_arr = np.sum(x_data_arr2d, axis=1) x_data_arr = x_data_arr.reshape((len(x_data_arr), 1)) ux2_data_arr = np.sum(np.square(ux_data_arr2d), axis=1) vx_arr2d = np.zeros((self.n_pr, self.n_pr)) for i_val in range(self.n_pr): vx_arr2d[i_val, i_val] = ux2_data_arr[i_val] # print('shape a_arr: ', self.a_arr.shape) # print('shape a_arr2d: ', self.a_arr2d.shape) # print('shape x_data_arr: ', x_data_arr.shape) # print('shape vx_arr2d: ', vx_arr2d.shape) # print('a_arr2d: ', self.a_arr2d) n_sols, ybest, uybest, chi2obs, indkeep = \ calc_lcss(self.a_arr, self.a_arr2d, x_data_arr, vx_arr2d, self.problim) print('calc lcss finished') print('n_sols: ', n_sols) print('ybest: ', ybest) print('uybest: ', uybest) if n_sols == 1: # time stamp is latest value if isinstance(ybest, np.ndarray): ybest = ybest[0] data = np.array([t_data_arr2d[-1, 0], ut_data_arr2d[-1, 0], ybest, uybest]) else: # only return the first solution data = np.array([t_data_arr2d[-1, 0], ut_data_arr2d[-1, 0], ybest[0], uybest[0]]) # Send the data # data = np.array([1,2,3,4]) if len(data.shape) == 1: data = data.reshape((1, len(data))) # print('data = ', data) self.set_output_data(channel="default", data=data) super().agent_loop()
[docs] def on_received_message(self, message): """ Handles incoming data from 'default' channels. Stores 'default' data into an internal buffer Parameters ---------- message : dict Only acceptable channel value is 'default'. """ if message['channel'] == 'default': self.buffer_store(agent_from=message["from"], data=message["data"]) return 0